“It’s time now to move beyond that phase where we just know principle and talk about it…Now is the time for practical application. Not just knowing, but actually being and doing. Becoming the men and women that we are capable of being.” – Marianne Williamson
LGBT people are here by design. Some call it the Universe, some call it God. You can call it he Great Disco stick if you’d like. What we call it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we accept that we were brought here at this time to live our lives on earth as LGBT people. In that divinely intelligent design, we have a mission.
Love for ourselves begins with the knowledge that our core beliefs and values are really the sum total of the thoughts we choose. We have an infinite power to create a internal thought pattern that enables our spirits to guide us through the progression of choices that lead to change.
As a bisexual (newbie) massage therapist I really resonate with this message, we are here with perfect timing. I’m the representation of our (LGBT, humans, energetic beings) ability to Love! We are the healers needed for this time in human evolution. Every cell of my body has been humming since I discovered my path as a healer…. And because Im bisexual there is an additional layer of healing and awareness possible. Be the change! Wow Im super excited you are on Hay House Radio now!!!!!
. Many Blessings of Love & Abundance!
Love this! Love you! Thanks for the goosebumps!