Karen McCrocklin

"You be you, all the time. Okay?"

The Chosen Blog

Equality in Motion- AND- Becoming Chaz


WOW. Lots to talk about again this week! The official show topic is Equality in Motion. For LGBT people, what we want as a community and who we want to be as individuals is sometimes a tricky balance.

As a longtime activist in the LGBT community this subject is one that I spend a lot of time thinking about. As I have begun to embrace modern spirituality and seek to become the person I know the universe intended me to be,  I have found more questions about how to integrate those principles into social justice issues than I ever imagined possible.

How do we bring the forward-thinking principles of love and acceptance to the push for equal rights under the law?

Some say that fighting angry fire with angry fire is the only way forward. For others, pursuing a spiritual path and standing up for your rights as a citizen are not mutually exclusive. The key is in finding a balance that fits your soul’s journey. Activism that is fueled by anger and fear is destructive and creates a cycle that requires more anger and fear to keep it moving. At the same time, the idea that we should not be involved in seeking change because we have chosen what we believe to be a spiritual path can cause us to miss the point of why we are here.

This subject is one that we are only beginning to address as a community.  Your voice is important and I invite you to call me and let’s talk about how to do it.  How do you incorporate your personal soul journey into the dialogue about equality? Share it!


Also, I can’t wait to watch “Becoming Chaz” on OWN tonight. Call me and let’s discuss  your reactions. 9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central and NOON Eastern. 866-254-1579 toll free in the U.S. and Canada. International callers dial your country code, then 760-918-4300

Here’s the trailer for BECOMING CHAZ



Meet me in your computer tomorrow! See you then!


The Families We Choose

How do YOU define family?

This week on Out From the Inside, we’ll be discussing how LGBT people are teaching society about redefining how we connect and support each other, and what really makes a family.

The Census Bureau‘s definition of “family” remains traditional: “A family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together”, but we as LGBT people know that the real meaning of family is surrounding yourself with love and acceptance. No matter what your current relationship might be with your family of origin, you have the opportunity to create a network of unconditional love and support.

Double Dads? Single Mom? Two lesbians with six dogs and two cats?  What does your family look like? Call me on Wednesday and let’s celebrate the true meaning of family.

Born This Way!

While I am absolutely willing, able and ready to discuss Lady Gaga and Glee, the show this week is really about the question of whether it matters if science can prove that LGBT people were born this way. Is it a destiny that we can’t control? Or is it something else?

The conversation about this topic on my Facebook page was fascinating. It seems that people have very passionate feelings about this subject and I’d like to delve into it on a deeper level. Join me.

The success of the radio show is all about your participation. This week the guest will be YOU.

866-254-1579 toll free in the U.S. and Canada and International callers can dial their country code and then 760-918-4300

What do you think?

Face2Face with Katherine Brooks

Writer/Director Katherine Brooks


So, YAY! It’s been another week of being  overwhelmed with gratitude for your support and the supercharged growth of this community. Not only are you insightful, smart and funny, your willingness to support each other and celebrate the gift of being LGBT is creating a revolution of love and acceptance. Give your Lezmazing, Gaymazing, Bimazing, Transmazing, Queermazing, Str8mazing selves a big WOO-HOO!

One of my favorite things about hosting Out From the Inside on Hay House Radio is having the opportunity to introduce you to guests whose personal stories will inspire you to live your best gay life. On Wednesday, April 20, my guest will be Katherine Brooks, who is not only inspiring, she’s a force of nature!

You may be familiar with Katherine’s work as a writer-director. Her film Loving Annabelle was not only a critical success and fan favorite, it stands as one of the most lucrative LGBT films of all time. Her work as a director, including 3 seasons of MTV’s The “Osbournes” and “The Real World” added to her reputation as the queen of serious reality TV. Check out Katherine’s website HERE:

As an out lesbian, Katherine’s journey from homeless teenager to successful director is inspiring and illuminating. As a practicing Buddhist, Katherine injects elements of authentic spirituality and self development into her work making her both a teacher and LGBT community role model. After connecting with Katherine on Facebook through a mutual friend, I sent her a message with a detailed explanation about Hay House Radio, the show and the focus and this was her reply- “I love Louise Hay. Yes.” This is a woman who walks the walk and I’m excited to have her as a guest.

Her latest project- the documentary Face2Face is an examination of how we connect in the world of computers and social media. This summer, Katherine and will be traveling across the U.S.  on a mission to meet over 50 of her Facebook friends and capture those interactions on film. You can find out more about the project by visiting the Face2Face project on Kickstarter.

I think you’ll enjoy hearing Katherine’s story and learning more about her worldview and the source of her abundant energy and enthusiasm.

We’ll be taking your calls on the live show, and would love to hear from you. If you miss the live broadcast at 9am Pacific, 11Am Central, there are numerous replays throughout the week and the show will also be available on-demand starting on Thursday of next week. More information on showtimes HERE

So call us. We’d love to hear from you. 866-254-1579 toll free in the U.S. and Canada. International callers dial your Country Code and then 760-918-4300

And speaking of that, you all have SO many wonderful things to say that I’ve decided to do something special.  On the April 27 show, I’ll be announcing a contest where you will have an opportunity for your story to be featured on a show in May. Sign up for my randomly occasional newsletter list- (No spam, I PROMISE) to get the first word. The sign-up in on my homepage

And one more thing while you’re there. I have started Tweeting. Follow me on Twitter? In addition to great tips on cool people and interesting stuff, I also post pictures of all of the random items of clothing, furniture and household appliances that my dogs manage to eat on an almost daily basis.

Whew. That’s a lot. Thanks again. UBU, all the time. Ok?


TransYouth Family Allies- Kim Pearson

Hi everyone. It’s another great day to celebrate the gift of being LGBT! The show on Wednesday was terrific and a lot of fun too. If you missed it, the show is available for free in the on-demand archive. Check it out here:

Thanks again for your continued support. This community is growing at an amazing rate, and I am proud to have the opportunity to host the conversation. Connecting with all of you smart, funny, articulate and insightful folks is amazing. Bring your friends!

I have some exciting things in store for you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for a cool contest and an opportunity for your story to be featured on my show. Take a minute and join my newsletter list to get the preview and an early opportunity to enter before it’s posted publicly on my Facebook page. Details to follow in the next couple of weeks. Woo hoo!

I’m super excited about my guest on Out From the Inside, next Wednesday  on Hay House Radio.

Kim Pearson first directed her energy into GLBT support, advocacy and education as the founder and president of her local PFLAG Chapter when the youngest of her three children came out as lesbian in 2005. Eighteen months later she found herself facilitating that same child’s transition to living life as a young man. Her journey led her to become the co-founder and executive director of the only National non-profit which educates and advocates exclusively for gender variant and transgender children and their families…TransYouth Family Allies.

Transgender kids, adults and their families are a hot topic. Join us for an enlightening dialogue about gender variance and learn more about how you can support the Trans community.

We’ll be taking your calls and would love to hear from you. If you are someone who is struggling with understanding gender issues, wants to learn more about the issues facing the Trans community or would like some support in your own journey, don’t miss this show. Let’s celebrate the Trans community! Kim is an amazing and busy woman who devotes her life to working for Transgender acceptance and is not afraid to tell it like it is!

See you on Wednesday at 9am Pacific, 10am Mountain, 11am Central, and 12pm Eastern.
